
Telehealth Services

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Telehealth appointments at Little Lights Psychology:

Psychology appointments at Little Lights Psychology are able to be conducted via a telehealth video call. This can be useful for when people are not able to attend the clinic in person, but would still like to meet with their psychologist, for example when someone is not well enough to attend our clinic in person but would still like to meet with their psychologist.

At Little Lights Psychology, our preference is to use a platform called 'COVIU' for video sessions. This platform is recommended by the Australian Psychological Society as being compliant with the Australian standards for online security and encryption. It also has some interactive features which young people seem to be enjoying. COVIU video conferences don’t require any programs to be installed from your end. We simply meet with you at a web link which is emailed to you before your appointment. All you need is a computer or ipad with a working camera and microphone.

While telehealth consultations are a change to our usual appointment arrangements, our experience so far is that young people are quite familiar with video calls and seem to be engage well in these kind of consultations.

Our video platform has an interactive whiteboard for clients and their therapist to draw on and take notes together. We can also share web pages, documents and videos with clients through our video platform to keep sessions tailored specifically to individual needs. The ability to share short video clips has proven particularly useful in keeping young minds engaged, from fun relaxation and mindfulness activities, to energetic activities designed to meet the sensory needs of even the most wiggly of clients! - who says we have to sit still when we are meeting through a video call??

The other benefit of video conferencing telehealth appointments is that therapists can support children and young people to implement strategies in their home environment. We can work together to source and set up materials and activities at home for emotional regulation, relaxation and cognitive behavioural strategies.

For parent sessions our video platform gives us the ability to support parents and carers currently juggling busy work and family commitments, from their home.

As always, it is important to us that the therapy experience is one that works for each individual so we want to hear your ideas about how to best set up telehealth appointments to work for you. We also encourage you to talk through any concerns you may have about telehealth with us, and will do our best to support you.

Medicare rebates for telehealth appointments:

People with a doctor's referral under a Mental Health Care Plan are eligible to access a Medicare rebate for telehealth consultations with a psychologist.